Dangerous Liasons
Client name
Dangerous Liaisons // Lola

Dangerous Liaisons is a period piece that takes place in 18th century Paris. This required full cg establishing shots of locations. We had a full procedural 3D set up of 18th Century Paris in Houdini that as an artist I was tasked with creating Previsualization sequences that would inform the client a creative visual representation of camera moves and composition that would later be signed off. Following this I was tasked with formulating a crowd simulation set up, utilizing Houdini’s Crowd FX solution.

I built crowd simulation network using models and animations that I collaborated directly with Animators to provide me specific actions I needed my 18th century Parisian citizens to be engaging in within my simulation; considering what 18th century peasants and aristocrats would be doing. The crowd was controlled through a series of python based VEX code that I was able to wrangle points along curves to manipulate actions and movement.

The results added significant life to these large scene establishing full CGI shots.

VFX Before and afterVFX Before and after
VFX Before and afterVFX Before and after
VFX Before and afterVFX Before and after
VFX Before and afterVFX Before and after